Portugal: Wesak Festival 2009
Jardim da Torre de Belém in Lisbon | May 8, 2009
The Fundação Abrigar (Abrigar Foundation, Portugal) organizes the Wesak Festival at Jardim da Torre de Belém in Lisbon.
The Wesak Festival, “feast of May”, also called “Vesak, Vesakha or Visakha”, is the a celebration of the lunation of the full moon and the Sun in bull, and it is celebrated for centuries in the Himalayan valley and, for some time, in various parts of the world.
The Wesak Festival is the most important festival for Buddhists, recognized as a celebration in honor of the enlightening and the passage of the end of the physical life of Shakyamuni Sidharta “The Buddha” and, more recently, involving Shamballa, or “the Christ”, meaning and hope of Unification of the message of Buddha and Christ. It is in fact a Celestial event on Earth.
The Vagrayana tradition celebrates the enlightening and the passage of end of the bodily life, “Paranibbana”, of Buddha and the Theravada tradition also adds to memory, His birth, which was on May 11.
It is an intense and significant moment of energy, offering us the opportunity for change, freedom, love, deep peace and harmony with the Divine Plan, through the Hierarchy of Masters.
We calls to all of goodwill near and distant to join this stream of peace “Wesak” so that in the deep silence of their being the beneficial work of the Hierarchies of servers is made on Earth.
Adapted from Wesak Festival
The program includes, among other, chants, Meditation, Unification Initiation, concert with Tibetan Bowls with Peter Littlejohn Cook, and Sivananda Yoga by Siromani Atul Mulji, Tai Chi /Chi Kung.
Detailed Program in Portuguese only.
Date: 05/8/09 at 22h00
More information: 91 783 53 16 – 96 784 93 73 – www.wesak.pt
Organization: Fundação Abrigar
Support: Câmara Municipal de Lisboa