World: International Vegetarian Week 2010

| 09-22, 2010

October 1-7, 2010

October 1-7 is the International Vegetarian Week (WVW), supported by vegetarian, animal rights, environmental and other groups, to reduce the environmental, medical and many other problems associated with meat, milk and other animal products.

“This period was chosen because it includes several annual related celebrations,” stated WVW organizer Mateus Mendes. “These include:

  • World Vegetarian Day on October 1
  • World Farm Animal Day
  • International Day on Non-violence on October 2
  • World Animal Day on October 4.”

The goal of this initiative is to highlight for everyone an easy way to better personal and environmental health. Vegetarianism is a choice being made by increasing numbers of people due to its comprehensive advantages.

Nothing human beings can do would benefit the environment more than a dramatic reduction in meat consumption. The impact of such a change on the gases in the atmosphere would be phenomenal, and would be a huge step in reducing the ominous threat of global warming,” states world-famous author John Robbins, patron of this WVW.

Director of Veg Climate Alliance Dr. Richard Schwartz says that a vegetarian week is more important than ever as “it is increasingly apparent that the world is rapidly approaching an unprecedented catastrophe from climate change and other environmental threats.”

A 2006 UN report indicated that animal-based agriculture emits more greenhouse gases (in CO2 equivalents) than all the cars and other means of transportation worldwide combined (18% vs. 13.5%),” stated Jens Holm, former member of the European Parliament.

According to Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “the 18% figure is an underestimate; it’s a low estimate and in actual fact it’s much higher.” According to Dr. Colin Campbell, professor emeritus of nutritional sciences at Cornell University, “new figures now indicate that at least half of the greenhouse gases… and maybe considerably more are due to livestock production.

There would be many other benefits from a major shift to non-animal diets,” stated medical doctor António Paiva, “including a reduction of heart disease, several types of cancer, diabetes and other chronic and degenerative diseases as well as swine flu and other infectious diseases that very likely originate in animal farming and the meat industry.

There’s a lot to get involved with on WVW: vegetarian talks, workshops, panel discussions and video viewings; meetings with society leaders, educators and others; organising campaigns such as calling for a meat free day per week; preparing vegetarian meals for friends and family; offering vegetarian gifts or discounts for vegetarian products; or simply distributing leaflets.

Confirmed Actions

Some organisations already have their plans for the Vegetarian Week. You already know what you will do? Please inform the organisers.

  • Albania: The Institute for Environmental Policy will promote wide campaign, in the Internet and the national mass media.
  • Australia: See the website maintained by the Australian Vegetarian Society for more information and activities.
  • Canada: Toronto Vegetarian Association will promote the third Annual Totally Fabulous Vegan Bake-off, on October 2. Dorit, of Serenity Spaces, will give a talk about the Vegetarian Week in Weightwise & Healthy Lifestyle Expo, in Toronto.
  • Indonesia: Indonesia Vegetarian Society (IVS) will be organising the 39th International Vegetarian Union congress: in Jakarta 1-6 and Bali 7-9 October 2010. More details.
  • Hungary: Budaveg will offer accommodation discounts in bookings in between 1 and 7 October.
  • Italy: See the website maintained by AgireOra Network for a complete list of activities.
  • Netherlands: The Animal Life Foundation will promote a mediatic campaign in which people are challenged not to eat fish or meat. More details.
  • New Zealand: New Zealand Vegetarian Society will hold the Vegetarian Food & Lifestyle Festival, in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. More details.
  • Portugal: See the website maintained by Centro Vegetariano for a complete list of activities.
  • United States of America (USA): San Francisco Vegetarian Society will be organising the 11th World Veg Festival, 2-3 October – More details. Compassion for Animals will organise leaflet distribution campaigns. More details.

Global Range: Some activities will be promoted on a global range, including:

  • Green Lifestyle Festival – Will promote several vegan cooking videos online.
  • Webnethouse – 1 year free hosting for new accounts opened during the Vegetarian Week (domain not inc.).

If You already know what you will do, Please inform the organisers.


More information: –

See also other events by: Vegetarian week


This Press Release is endorsed by:

John Robbins, author and patron of the WVW
Foundation Brigitte Bardot
World Vegetarian Week
Veg Climate Alliance

Global Meat Free Petition
VEGAN 2050
EVANA – European Vegetarian and Animal News Alliance
IIG Glücklich leben ohne Fleisch

Belgium: EVA – Ethical Vegetarian Alternative
Brazil: SVB – Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira
Canada: Toronto Vegetarian Association
Denmark: Dansk Vegetarforening
Germany: Pro-iure-animalis
Hawaii: Vegetarian Society of Hawaii
India: Indian Vegan Society
Israel: Concern for Helping Animals in Israel
Italy: Agire Ora Network,
Portugal: Centro Vegetariano, Oriente no Porto – Alternativa Multicultural
Romania: Romanian Vegetarian Society
Spain: UVE – Unión Vegetariana Española
Switzerland: Schweizerische Vereinigung für Vegetarismus, Tierschutznews
USA: Compassionate Action for Animals, Eco-Eating, FARM (Farm Animal Rights Movement), God’s Creatures Ministry, Green Lifestyle Film Festival, Jewish Vegetarians of North America, Jews for Animal Rights (JAR), Leilani Farm, Sanctuary, San Francisco Vegetarian Society, Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians, The Vegetarian Mitzvah, Well-Fed World

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Published by Grand Yoga with authorization of the promoter(s).

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