Love Ashtanga Yoga Cork Yoga Mat from Portugal
Check Out the wonderful Cork Yoga Mat !
The Ashtanga Yoga Teachers Lea Perfetti and Tarik van Prehn, currently living in Portugal, have been developing a Cork Yoga mat made in Portugal.
– It has been a very challenging process to create a great Yoga Mat and we are still trying to make it better. I designed the first cork mat four years ago, and I am still using it daily, and due to the properties of cork, it is still very well preserved.
About Cork – A Natural Product
Cork is the bark of a very typical Portuguese tree called “Sobreiro” (Quercus suber). The art of extracting the cork has been passed on by generation to generation here in Portugal. It is done by hand and requires very few utensils. It is a very delicate process, yet a process that does not damage the tree if done correctly. The bark begins to regenerate quickly after extraction. It takes between 7 to 9 years for a new layer of tree bark to completely grow, and then it is ready to be extracted again. No tree is harmed on the process, and subsequently the cork tree is very well regarded here in Portugal.
The Cork Yoga Mat
Cork has an organic and soft texture, as well as anti fungal properties. It does not absorb water or smell, and actually has a wicking ability. We have combined our Cork Yoga Mat with natural and recycled rubber bottom. The mat is very light weight and stays very firmly in contact with the ground.
Lea and Tarik offered few Yoga mats to well known and experienced Yogis and their feed back have been amazing. Once you use Cork it will be very hard to use another Yoga mat.
– We are convinced that our Yoga mat is possibly one of the best Yoga Mats in the world.
If you would like to order one Cork Yoga Mat, please send a message to as soon as possible, Lea and Tarik we will be placing the order in one week.
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