Portugal: The Beauty of Conscious Touch – with Dhyan Yogi and Nama Devi – Lisbon

| 04-27, 2018

Lisboa | 09-10 June, 2018

The Beauty of Conscious Touch – with Dhyan Yogi and Nama Devi in Lisboa – Saldanha.

Touch is one of the most beautiful and powerful way to connect with other beings. There is so much information passing through touch, and mostly we are not aware of it. Either conscious or unconscious, touch is an energetic flow between two or more beings, a dance of movements and an intense exchange of personal energies. This is even more valid and deep during a massage, when giver and receiver connect to each other and enter in a common energetic state. In the ideal situation, the receiver relaxes and drops off the resistances, abandoning himself into the hands of the giver, who can center in his own energy and give his transmission through a wise touch. This is unfortunately not usually true, and we are surrounded every day by so many experiences of “unconscious touch”, that we easily and commonly developed throughout our lives a negative idea about touch in general. At the same time, from our own nature we all crave for touch, beautiful conscious loving touch. Probably most of us experienced how much a simple sincere hug is more powerful than any words… this is the power and beauty of touch!

In this workshop we put the basis of conscious touch through massage, learning to clear your mind, center and ground yourself, connect with a partner, and offer to both giver and receiver a great experience of touching and being touched, that will nourish both of them. Such an experience is not only very pleasant, but also healing. It naturally removes the protections that during our whole lives we usually developed towards others, based on worries and even fears. It gives trust, in ourselves, in others, in human beings, in life, in love, in the universe. You will learn the basic of tantra massage, the most loving and powerful kind of massage that you can experience. When the massage partners enter in a state of general surrendering, compassion and love can naturally flow and the massage becomes a deep meditation, a transformative process towards a higher consciousness. The experience of the massage will be embodied and integrated into daily life. People experiencing such massages reach a natural state of bliss, that normally lasts several days. After a massage, many receivers refer that, when meeting friends, they usually say something like “wow, what happened to you… you have a different face… you look more nice…”. It is an experience of reconnection with the divine inside and outside us.

We will practice conscious touch and massages, together with meditations and activities aimed to prepare you for it. Tantra massage uses sensual not sexual touch, moving the most powerful vital energy in our body. It balances the chakra system and induces deep healing experiences, moving stuck emotions that prevent the normal healthy flow of energy in our body-mind-soul system. At the same time, this touch gives general pleasant sensations.

The course is open to everybody, single and couples, beginners and experts. Couples are respected, and they can decide if work together or with other partners. They can especially feel the great benefits of the practice of these massages on their relationship, resulting on more flowing love and a renewed attraction and sexual life. There is no genital massage.

Value: sign up till May 1st and pay 130 €,after 150 €
For couples get 10% discount each.

To sign up please make a wire transfer of 50% to the IBAN account PT50 0007 0000 0017 1375 3332 3, to Patrícia Duarte and send it per email to padmayogacenter@gmail.com or per paypal to the same email.

About Dhyan Yogi and Nama Devi:



Start: Sat, 09-Jun-2018, 11:30  –  End: Sun, 10-Jun-2017, 19:00
Email: padmayogacenter@gmail.com – Web: centropadmayoga.com – T: 92 501 49 95


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Published by Grand Yoga with authorization of the promoter(s).

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