Portugal: LIFE DESIGN – WELLNESS RETREAT – with Isa Guitana & Jay Wong – 1-4 NOV 2018 – Nature, Ashtanga Yoga, Meditation & Plant-based Nutrition

| 10-16, 2018

São Teotónio | 01-04 November, 2018

   LIFE DESIGN – WELLNESS RETREAT – with Isa Guitana & Jay Wong – 1-4 NOV 2018 – Nature, Ashtanga Yoga, Meditation & Plant-based Nutrition in São Teotónio – Alentejo Coast.

Join us for 4 days in nature, dedicated to deepening our awareness and integrating the tools of Yoga, meditation and nutrition to help us design healthy and fulfilling lives.

Applying what we learn in our pursuit for wellness so that we experience improvements in meaningful and sustained ways depends on our level of comfort and confidence to overcome the inevitable challenges that come up in life. Our focus in this retreat is to help you navigate these challenges, and to feel empowered when they arise, through a set of practical tools to map out your path and guide you along your journey.

:: The Program ::

There will be morning and evening sessions, with the days free to explore the eco resort and nearby beaches. All meals are included with a detoxifying plant-based menu made with local and organic food.

Practices will include:
  • Ashtanga Yoga
  • Yoganidrá Deep Relaxation
  • Sound Healing and Traditional Indian Chanting
  • Deep Breathing Meditation
  • Designing Your Life – managing stress and energizing our goals

:: The Location ::
We will be at the beautiful Aterra, luxury eco camping resort, in São Teotonio, in the Alentejo, Portugal. Located along the Costa Vincentina, Aterra offers a comfortable “glamping” experience in Rajasthani tents, yurts and tipis with a private fresh water lake. We will enjoy a secluded and serine ambiance while being close by to stunning beaches.

:: Schedule ::
Check-in will be between 2-4pm on Thursday, Nov. 1st, followed by our opening session and dinner. On Friday and Saturday we will have morning and late afternoon sessions, allowing for time to explore and relax during the day. Sunday we will have our morning session, lunch and closing session, finishing at 3pm.

:: Accommodation & Pricing ::

There are two options for accommodation.

You may stay in a shared room for 4 people, or if you are traveling with a friend or partner there are also private rooms for 2 people only.

Each room is either a beautiful Rajistani tent, tipi, or yurt with comfortable beds and electricity.

OPTION 1 – Individuals with shared accommodation in 4 person room
OPTION 2 – Couples or Friends in private 2 person room

Payment can be sent via PayPal here, paypal.me/casavinyasa

To reserve your place please transfer 125€ and let us know what OPTION you prefer to book (Option 2 is limited so it might not be available)

:: About Isa Guitana ::

Isa GuitanaFor the last 17 years Isa has dedicated her daily presence to share tradtional Ashtanga Yoga with each student to cross her path, supporting their inner journey with her playful heart and faithful dedication to inspire them to unravel their deepest potential within. From the moment she discovered her practice, she knew it would challenge her and open her heart to bring new levels of growth for a lifetime. She spent 10 years travelling to India to practice under the guidance of Shri K Pattabhi Jois and his grandson Sharath Jois and was among the first Portuguese teachers to be Authorized by the Ashtanga Yoga Institute in Mysore, India. Isa lives in Portugal with her family and teaches at both locations (Lisbon & Cascais) of her school, Casa Vinyasa. Over the years Isa has taught throughout Portugal, Europe, Asia and the Americas. Isa has been teaching and performing at several international festivals like Boom, Being, Wanderlust and Portugal Spirit Festival. In addition to the Ashtanga practices, Isa also uses her singing voice as a tool for healing and transformation through the study and chanting of the Yoga Sutras, traditional Indian devotional Bhajans and guided Yoga Nidras, deep relaxations.

:: About Jay Wong ::

Jay WongJay has been practicing meditation and Ashtanga Yoga for over 10 years alongside building a career in large and small companies, holding roles in strategy, solution development, and innovation in the areas of finance, health, and nutrition. With a deep fascination for how the mind works, and the powerful role it plays in how we experience life and the degree to which we can achieve our goals, Jay combines methods and models of business with the practice of meditation and personal improvement to provide a roadmap for growth.

If you have any other questions, just let us know or you can call anytime to : 91 218 17 78 or 91 017 79 45

Much Love from Us,
Isa & Jay


The Life Design Wellness Retreat

Early Bird Tea Bar

:: 6h30 – 8h30 :: Enjoy a quiet morning at the Aterra Eco Retreat Center with a warm cup of tea.

:: 8h30 – 9h30 :: Morning Meditation – A mix of guided and self directed meditation techniques.

:: 9h30 – 10h00 :: Smoothie Bar – Fruit or vegetable smoothies for a light and nutritious breakfast.

Life Design Workshop Sessions

:: 10h00 – 11h30 :: Workshop sessions focused on reducing stress, clarifying goals, and mapping out strategies to cultivate a healthy relationship with growth.

:: 12h00 – 13h00 :: Nutritious Lunch

Delicious plant-based meals designed to exclude all major allergens while providing a nutritious base for the detoxification process.
The Afternoon Sessions

:: 17h00 – 19h00 :: Ashtanga Yoga with a mix of Led Class and “Mysore Style” (self-paced in group setting) followed by Yoganidrá Deep Relaxation or Sound Healing and Traditional Indian Chanting.

:: 19h30 – 20h30 :: Light Dinner – A nutritious soup and salad for a light closing meal of the day.

About the Diet*

:: liquid breakfast | solid lunch | light dinner ::

The detoxifying plant-based diet is designed to promote gut health and rehabilitation by removing potential allergens, helping reduce inflammation, and facilitating the body’s natural digestion and detoxification processes. Meal timing will follow a gentle Intermittent Fasting regime, allowing for a minimum of 12 hours between meals (this includes your time sleeping). The diet is inspired by Dr. Alejandro Junger’s Clean Program. For anyone interested in deepening their cleanse we encourage reading Dr. Junger’s book and consider taking the advised supplements along the retreat.

* All food is 100% Organic, and Gluten-Free, with the majority locally sourced.

Start: Thu, 01-Nov-2018, 14:00  –  End: Sun, 04-Nov-2018, 15:00
Email: info@casavinyasa.com – Web: www.aterra.pt – T: 91 218 17 78

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Published by Grand Yoga with authorization of the promoter(s).

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