France: Exceptional musical workshop with Maria João Pires, Dominique Bertrand and Lama Mingyour
Hameau de Saint Hugon – Arvillard | September 24 to Octobre 2, 2009
Maria João Pires, the great international pianist will host a music workshop for a dozen pianists. She will be joined by Dominique Bertrand, musician and researcher, on the psychological effects of traditional sounds, and Lama Mingyur will bring the vision of the Dharma. Together they will discover music in its sacred dimension, using methods based on breathing and contemplation.
In the last day, Friday, October 2 at 21h, Maria João and her students will give a concert at the Maison de la Sagesse.
If you are a piano student and want to be one of the twelve students, please fill in the prior application (in English if possible) and send it directly to Janet Burnett, Maria João’s assistant. (Contact: / tel: 0044 174 787 02 78).
General Public
It is also possible to attend the workshop as an auditor. It is nevertheless required to participate in the entire stay (from September 24 to October 2) and make a contribution to the cost of 80 euros for eight days. To register and book your accommodation, please contact the Institute (04 79 25 78 00).
The weekend of September 26-27 will be freely open to all interested persons to discover the workshop. Please contact the Institute directly to book your accommodation and meals if you desire.
Event: Exceptional musical workshop with Maria João Pires, Dominique Bertrand and Lama Mingyour
Dates: Event starts: Thursday, September 24, 2009 – End date: Friday, Octobre 2, 2009
Location: Institut Karma Ling, Domaine d’Avalon, Hameau de Saint Hugon – 73110 Arvillard- France
Teachers: Maria Joao Pires, Dominique Bertrand and Lama Mingyur
Concert on October 2, 2009 21h: The price will be € 10. It is not necessary to book in advance.
More Information:
Organizer from Sangha Loka: Institut Karma Ling