Tag: Catherine Genno Pagès Roshi

Portugal: Spring Retreat and Talk With Amy Hollowell Sensei in Braga and Porto

Portugal: Spring Retreat and Talk With Amy Hollowell Sensei in Braga and Porto

| 04-09, 2011 | 0 Comments

Soutelo (Vila Verde – Braga),  April 22 – 25 | Porto, April 25,  2011 Amy Hollowell Sensei is visiting Portugal to guide a Retreat in Braga and a Talk in Porto. Amy Sensei is the founder of the Wild Flower Zen Sangha and dharma successor of Catherine Genno Pagès Roshi, in the Soto Zen lineage […]

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Portugal: Zen Meditation Retreat with Amy Hollowell Sensei

Portugal: Zen Meditation Retreat with Amy Hollowell Sensei

| 01-26, 2010 | 0 Comments

Lisbon | February 6 and 7, 2010 Amy Hollowell Sensei guides a Zen meditation retreat in Lisbon at the Portuguese Buddhist Union. This is a non-residential retreat, open to all, experienced practitioners and beginners, and consists of sessions of meditation (zazen and kinhin) throughout the day.

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Portugal: Holding a Flower: The Essence of Zen – Lecture by Amy Hollowell Sensei

Portugal: Holding a Flower: The Essence of Zen – Lecture by Amy Hollowell Sensei

| 11-18, 2009 | 0 Comments

Lisbon | November 26, 2009 Amy Hollowell Sensei will give a lecture entitled “Holding a flower: The Essence of Zen” at Center BudaDharma, in Lisbon. About Amy Hollowell Sensei Amy Hollowell Sensei is the founder of the Wild Flower Zen Sangha and dharma successor of Catherine Genno Pagès Roshi, in the Soto Zen lineage of […]

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Portugal: Easter Zen Retreat with Amy Hollowell Sensei

Portugal: Easter Zen Retreat with Amy Hollowell Sensei

| 03-12, 2009

Serra da Lousã (Góis) – Portugal | 3 to 10 April 2009 Amy Hollowell Sensei conducts a Zen retreat in Góis – Serra da Lousã, Portugal. The retreat includes sessions of sitting and walking meditation, lectures, questions and answers, the possibility of personal interviews and participation in activities such as preparing meals. Amy Hollowell is the […]

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