Tag: Dayananda

Spain: Swami Dayananda in Granada and Madrid

Spain: Swami Dayananda in Granada and Madrid

| 10-01, 2009 | 0 Comments

Granada | 13 and 14 October – Madrid | 15 October – 2009 Shri Pujya Swami Dayananda visits Spain in October and will give lectures and teachings in Granada and Madrid. Pujya Shri Swami Dayananda Saraswati, is an Indian Grand Master that is 80 years old, one of the last descendants of the lineage of […]

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Study of the Bhagavad Gítá on MP3 (Portuguese) in the Dharma Bindu Site

Study of the Bhagavad Gítá on MP3 (Portuguese) in the Dharma Bindu Site

| 12-18, 2008

Daniel Oliveira and Miguel Homem are producing a program that consists of the live recording of teaching sessions given by Miguel Homem, in the Sat Sanga that he contucts in Espaço Dharma Bindu, on one of the central books of the Yoga philosophy and India’s culture, the Bhagavad Gítá. Quoting George Feuerstein (1974), in his […]

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