Tag: Theravada

Portugal: Jhanas & Insight with Leigh Brasington from USA

Portugal: Jhanas & Insight with Leigh Brasington from USA

| 11-23, 2013

Mafra | 19-21 December, 2013 Leigh Brasington, senior American student of the late Venerable Ayya Khema, will be once again in Portugal to lead a retreat under the title “Jhanas & Insight” [1], which will be held at 4ventos Retreat Center near Mafra in Lisbon area. Ven. Ayya Khema, born in Germany, was the first […]

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Portugal: Wesak Festival 2009

Portugal: Wesak Festival 2009

| 05-08, 2009 | 0 Comments

Jardim da Torre de Belém in Lisbon | May 8, 2009 The Fundação Abrigar (Abrigar Foundation, Portugal) organizes the Wesak Festival at Jardim da Torre de Belém in Lisbon. The Wesak Festival, “feast of May”, also called “Vesak, Vesakha or Visakha”, is the a celebration of the lunation of the full moon and the Sun […]

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